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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Since I did not reach my goal for last weak my goal this weak is to finish last weeks and get a start to his hair.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Daily Progress

 Today I had neglected to update on my progress at school, so I am posting it now. Since I am now at home I can not post pictures of my progress. Today I got the basics of his shirt and pants, and I have a start to his robe. I don't have his boots or any of his equipment done or even started. However I have completed his spell, there will likely be edits and editions to this however.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I did not get any of the clothing on my character done. However i did get all the lighting off my seen completed. There ,ay be some changes to it in the future, but for now I like the results.

This week I plan on getting the basics of my character's clothing on. Including all of his gear.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hear are some pictures of my progress on my character. I will likely post some pictures of what I hope the  finished product to look like soon.
I will be making one of my D&D characters in Maya and mud-box. He is both an Elf and a wizard, so i will incorperate this into my modle as much as i can.

Inspirational pictures for style are these.
     Though i had not drawn any sketches of what it will look like i have already made a basic 3D model in Mudox, I just imported it into Maya. I will upload pictures of my progress shortly.